Six months sober today

I never thought I would make it this far. I think most people say this on their birthday, but for me it couldn’t have been more true. I never thought I would see age 26 but in reality this is a much more important birthday than the one that passed a week or so ago….

Brain Dump – Welcome to Manic Monday

Honestly this post is already trash so if you want to skip reading this one, I am okay with that decision because honestly I wouldn’t read it either. Okay now that I have your attention, I am basically going to write every little word that pops in my brain and see how this goes. It…

He moves in mysterious ways…

God is good and I feel like I have been going through it lately and during the bad times, it is hard for me or anyone to realize and appreciate the thoroughness and intricacies of God’s ways and His words. Some of you know if you have been here with me from the beginning and…