New Traditions

I know I keep saying I am motivated to write but with 5 college classes to keep up with, by the time I have free time late at night, I am dead exhausted. This week has been a rough, yet really smooth despite the crap going on in my life. First off, if you’re now…

World Bipolar Day.

Well this past month and a half feels like it’s come and gone so quickly. For those of you who are new to my blog, I quit my job rather abruptly mid February due to safety and poor management reasons. I loved aspects of that job, but it was no longer productive for my mental…

emotionally labile

Half the time I forget that I have Bipolar 2 disorder and then other times I feel like I’m running 90 miles an hour toward a brick wall. And today is one of those extra, emotionally labile days. I just want to be missing in action with all of my life responsibilities but I’ve been…