Six months sober today

I never thought I would make it this far. I think most people say this on their birthday, but for me it couldn’t have been more true. I never thought I would see age 26 but in reality this is a much more important birthday than the one that passed a week or so ago….

Here I am, alone again

Here I am, it’s 9 p.m. I’m in my room by myself and I have nothing to do. I thought I could use this leave of absence from work to focus on my writing and focus on my brand. I have decided that I have nothing left to do in order to progress the Precarious…


I got about 2.5 hours of sleep when the pain jolted me out of a deep sleep. My ankle pain is radiating and throbbing on the inside of my left foot. My knee is the size of a softball, even with round the clock icing and elevation. I have shooting pain from my knee up…