Six months sober today

I never thought I would make it this far. I think most people say this on their birthday, but for me it couldn’t have been more true. I never thought I would see age 26 but in reality this is a much more important birthday than the one that passed a week or so ago….

Brain Dump – Welcome to Manic Monday

Honestly this post is already trash so if you want to skip reading this one, I am okay with that decision because honestly I wouldn’t read it either. Okay now that I have your attention, I am basically going to write every little word that pops in my brain and see how this goes. It…

Back to Class; Already Burnt Out

I have been doing school for almost a week at this point and I am already over it. I go in person to school on Wednesdays for my group counseling class and I understand the premise of it being in person because hello! Group counseling will be in person and I need to be able…