Manic Monday and Tuesday and Probably Wednesday, too.

It’s been 6 days since I have been officially diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder and the same amount of time for my reduced lithium per day and added on Zyprexa. At first, I felt infinite, spectacular and wonderful… but I had this uncontrollable shakiness about me; it felt like my insides were being rattled and I…

emotionally labile

Half the time I forget that I have Bipolar 2 disorder and then other times I feel like I’m running 90 miles an hour toward a brick wall. And today is one of those extra, emotionally labile days. I just want to be missing in action with all of my life responsibilities but I’ve been…

can’t stop this war inside me

Real talk, y’all. None of that wussy shit. If you’re in search of a happy post, this ain’t it. Sorry not sorry. My depression and anxiety has been at an all time lowest point. I wouldn’t say that I was acutely suicidal but the feeling of not wanting to live was definitely there. I have…