What makes me crazy

I have noticed that I am crazy. Not in the typical ha ha sense because I have bipolar II disorder. I feel like little things, or seemingly little things drive me up a wall and make me very angry. To get over my useless anger over nothing in particular, I decided to make a bullet…

Got Admitted to the Hospital and Almost Sent to a Psych Ward

This has been a fun week. And by fun, I mean it’s been interesting to say the least. Last Thursday I went to the doctor to adjust medication and go over lab work. My lab results showed that my small intestine wasn’t absorbing the nutrients or the medication I was taking due to SIBO (small…

She Drives Me Crazy

#Blogtober20 – Day 6 As I sit here trying to type this, my multiple personalities seem to get in the way. No, I don’t really have a condition where I have multiple personalities, but sometimes my bipolar disorder makes me feel as though I have more than one character running the ship, up in my…