Who Knew?

Yesterday I woke up around 3am because I couldn’t sleep due to my severe sunburn on my back, shoulders, face, and chest. I had the weirdest out of body experience of my life. For a full hour, I had these uncontrollable movements like a tic or involuntary spasm in my legs, arms, neck, and face….

Got Admitted to the Hospital and Almost Sent to a Psych Ward

This has been a fun week. And by fun, I mean it’s been interesting to say the least. Last Thursday I went to the doctor to adjust medication and go over lab work. My lab results showed that my small intestine wasn’t absorbing the nutrients or the medication I was taking due to SIBO (small…

Harder to Breathe

Another day of not being able to breathe very well led to another trip to the doctor. Not to mention throwing up maroon clots of blood; this was not a new issue for me, but new this time around. I had to take Diego’s little brother who has Down syndrome and autism from his behavioral…